
PAN President and General Secretary

Dear Esteemed Delegates and Friends, warmest greetings from PANCON 2022.We are extremely grateful to be able to invite you to the 9th National Conference of Psychiatrists’ Association of Nepal, 2022 (PANCON 2022) to be held at Sauraha, Chitwan from 3rd to 4th November. The district takes its name from the Chitwan valley, one of Nepal’s inner terai valleys between the Mahabharat and Siwalik ranges, both considered foothills of the Himalayas.   Originally a dense forest with wild animals like leopards and Bengal tigers. The name of ‘Chitwaa’ and ‘ban’ (tiger forest) started to called Chitwan. It is the first time our city will be hosting this prestigious scientific program. The Chitwan district is located central terai region of Nepal, The headquarters of chitwan district is Bharatpur .Bharatpur is the 3 rd largest city of Nepal under Bagmati  province. Bharatpur is the commercial and service centre of South Central Nepal and a major destination for higher education, health care and transportation in the region. Sauraha is 14 KM south- east from Bharatpur. Sauraha   is  the one of the famous  place for tourism in  Nepal. It is Surrounded by Chitwan National Park. Devghat is a religious place for Hindu.We can enjoy rafting in Saptagandaki river (Narayani river). Maulakalika temple is located in Gaidakot beyond Narayani river.

The ‘Bishazari Tal’ meaning “twenty thousand lakes”, is situated in south Bharatpur. The lake serves as a bird watching center and houses of many crocodiles.The Chitwan  National Park is home to one-horned rhinos, elephants, Royal Bengal tigers, crocodiles, deer and many other wild animals. It is the third largest tourist destination in Nepal after Kathmandu and Pokhara. Narayangarh or Narayanghat is an important trading area which is situated in the centre of Bharatpur.

The theme “Mental health in a changing world” is context suitable during this pandemic, as all sectors have an equal role to play in the improving of the lives of people with mental illness. We assure you all that PANCON 2022 will give us a compelling contribution to our knowledge base. We hope you and your family to enjoy the hospitality and beauty of Central Nepal.We look forward to welcome you in 9 th PANCON ,2022 at Sauraha, Chitwan.

Prof. Dr.Chandra Prasad Seadain

Prof C P Sedain
Psychiatrist’s Association of Nepal


Dr.Neena Rai

General Secretary
Message from organizing committee

On behalf of Psychiatrists’ Association of Nepal (PAN), we would welcome you all in the 9th National Conference of PAN (PANCON 2022) to be held at Sauraha, Chitwan, in November 3-4, 2022 (Kartik 17-18, 2079 BS). PANCON has become an annual event and Sauraha conference will cement this status.

This conference will bring us together after long and exhausted COVID pandemic. Many people in pandemic have lost lots of their near and dear ones, and our Psychiatric fraternity is no exception. There have been exponential increments in psychiatric morbidities due to multiple factors including COVID infection itself. There were down regulation of what can be described as social determinants of positive mental health (such as employment, economic empowerment, physical health, social justice, equality and equal opportunities), they were very obvious during pandemic, and mentally ill people were especially vulnerable. These social determinants were unequal even during normal times, and patients with mental disorders were always on the lower sides and the last ones receiving them. During pandemic it became very gross and clear, that improvement of patients with psychiatric disorders is not solved by “tablets” and “talk therapy” alone. Political will power and social opportunities are also crucial for these unfortunate patients to bring them back in main social stream. So we have aptly given the theme “mental health in the changing world” so that we focus on holistic approach while we can deal mental health issues.

This conference will incorporate biological, psychological and social approaches to stay mentally healthy. There will be multiple symposia, free papers, posters and unique interaction and event. The conference will be unique as we are entering into post COVID world and gradually issues are being settled but few uncertainties remain. We are still not sure and will gradually be learning regarding “post COVID” mental health issues.

Sauraha, Chitwan is located in the nearly centre of Nepal. There are attractive places for everyone- nature adventure in Chitwan National Park, religious place at Devghat and other important landmarks in near districts. Weather will be cool and serene, hotels and ambience will be beautiful.Organizing committee formed for PANCON 2022 is a small group of highly dedicated people who will look after you once you decide to attend PANCON 2022. Everything will be taken care of and you will cherish our hospitality forever.

Prof Dr. Shailendra Raj Adhikari

Organizing Chairman 

Dr. Khagendra Kafle

Organizing Secretary

Psychiatrists’ Association of Nepal

Central Committee Organizing Committee Sub-committee

Prof. Dr. Chandra Prasad Sedain

Immediate Past President

Dr. Sudarshan Narsingh Pradhan

Vice President

Dr. Ravi Shakya

General Secretary

Dr. Neena Rai

Joint Secretary

Dr. Kamal Gautum


Dr. Rachana Sharma

Joint Treasurer

Dr. Nikesh Mani Rajbhandari


Dr. Prabhat Chalisey (open)

Dr. Giri Raj Bhantona (open)

Dr. Dipesh Bhattarai (open)

Dr. Madhur Basnet (Province No -1)

Dr. Robin Jha (Province No. 2)

Dr. Pratik Yonjan Lama (Province No-3)

Dr. Rajan Sharma (Province No.4)

Dr. Asim Regmi (Province No. 5)

Dr. Shusil Sadadarsi (Province No. 6)

Dr. Prabhat Sapkota (Province No. 7)


Prof. Dr. Harish Chandra Neupane

Prof. Dr. C. P.  Sedain


Prof. Dr. Shailendra Raj Adhikari


Prof. Dr. Dhana Ratna Shakya


Dr. Neena Rai

Dr. Sunil Kumar Shah


Dr. Khagendra Kafle


Dr. Richa Sinha


Dr. Mahendar Raj Neupane

Dr. Aarti Thapa

Scientific Committee


Dr. Uddhav Lama


Dr. Madhur Basnet

Dr. Sandeep Subedi

Dr. Nikesh Rajbhandari

Dr. Rachana Sharma Basnet

Dr Prabhakar Pokhrel

Dr Devesh Ghimire

Dr Anup Krishna Gupta

Dr Bigya Shah



Dr. Srijana Bhurtel


Dr. Anil Kumar

Dr. Yojna Shakya

Dr. Shailendra Joshi

Dr. Jeny Mandal



Professor Dr. Rabi Shakya


Dr Nisha Thapa

Dr Nisha Dhungana

Finance & Logistic


Dr.Giri Raj Bhantana


Dr.Riju Niraula

Dr Shukra Sagar Pandit

Reception & Hospitality


Dr Rajan Sharma


Dr. Niki Shrestha

Dr. Smita Neupane

Dr. Sabina Dahal

Dr. Anil Kumar


Prof. Dr. Desh Raj Bahadur Kunwar

Prof. Dr. Dhurba Man Shrestha

Dr. Bishwa Bandu Sharma

Dr. Nirakar Man Shrestha

Prof.  Dr. Mahendra Kumar Nepal

Dr. Kapil Dev Upadhyaya

Prof. Dr. Puspa Prasad Sharma

Prof. Dr. Vidya Dev Sharma

Prof  Dr. Surendra Sherchan

Prof. Dr. Saroj Prashad Ojha

Dr. Arun Kunwar

Prof. Dr. Nawa Raj Koirala

Prof  Dr. Sudarshan Narsingh Pradhan

Pre-conference programs will be held on evening of Nov 2, 2022.

Conference programs will be on Nov 3-4, 2022

Download Programs Schedules by clicking here

Final Schedule PANCON 2022

For any queries, please contact at  Mobile : +977 9855061744

Category Up to Oct 15th 2022 Oct 16th 2022 – On spot.
Single With Spouse Single With Spouse
Nepalese Psychiatrists and mental health professionals NRs 12000 +NRs 7000 NRs 14000 + NRs 8000
Residents NRs 7000 +NRs 3500 NRs 8000 + NRs 4000
Non-SAARC USD 200 +USD 80 USD 220 + USD 100
SAARC USD 180 +USD 50 USD 200 +USD 70
Other accompanying person Nepalese: NRs. 7000,


Non-SAARC: USD 100

 Registration after Oct16th2022 and On-spot registration will be charged the same as above but the Registration Kit and other conference materials cannot be guaranteed.

Payment Details : (9th PANCON)

Bank : Sunrise Bank Ltd, Nepal

Account Number : 0171040493701001

Account Holder Name : Psychiatrist Association of Nepal.

For any queries, please contact at Mobile : +977 9855061744

Online registration form

(You need to have scanned copy/pdf copy of payment receipt before proceeding)

Conference Secretariate:

Department of Psychiatry
Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Bharatpur-10, Chitwan, Nepal

Contact Persons

Prof. Dr. Shailendra Raj Adhikari
Mobile No. +977-9855061744

Dr. Khagendra  Kafle
Mobile No. +977-9808839302

Dr Uddhav Lama
Mobile No.: 9851157772

Prof. Dr. C P Sedain
Mobile No. +977-9855056666

For Registration

For Abstract

Abstract Submission is now closed!

Instructions for abstract:

  • All Abstracts are to be submitted online.
  • During the on-line submission process, mention the presenting author, the presenting author’s contact information, and the names and e-mail addresses of all co-authors.
  • Please ensure the e-mail address of the presenting author is accurate, as this will be the sole method of communication regarding acceptance.
  • There is a limit of 300 words for each abstract including Title, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussions and Key words. All abstracts must be provided in English. Abstracts cannot be edited after submission.
  • You will receive an e-mail confirmation of each submission

(Format for submission of abstract will be uploaded in official website of Psychiatrist’s association of Nepal. Format for poster will be provided after sorting of abstract.)


Sep 30, 2022


Eposter samples:

  2. Abhash Niraula


Call for abstract

List of Topics
The Scientific Program Committee will use this topic list to help classify the area of each submission. Furthermore, your submission will be listed in the Program and Abstract Book under the topic(s) indicated to assist participants in selecting sessions of interest.
The submission form provides a space to mark a selection from this list, the one most appropriate topic area for each submission. If appropriate, indicate a second subtopic area.
Insert corresponding numbers of topics into boxes provided on each submission form.

1. Addiction
2. Aggression: Basic
3. Aggression: Clinical
4. Aging
5. AIDS and HIV Related Disorders
6. AIDS Effects on the CNS
7. Alcohol and Substance Abuse Disorders
8. Alzheimer’s Disease: Basic
9. Alzheimer’s Disease: Clinical
10. Anxiety Disorders
11. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
12. Autistic Disorders
13. Biological Correlates of Mental Disorders
14. Biological Markers
15. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
16. Childhood Disorders
17. Cognitive Neuroscience
18. Comorbidity in Psychiatry
19. Cost issues in Psychiatry
20. Dementia
21. Depression
22. Developmental Disorders
23. Developmental Psychiatry
24. Dissociative Disorders
25. Eating Disorders
26. Electro Convulsive Treatment (ECT)
27. Emergency Psychiatry
28. Epidemiology of Mental Disorders
29. Ethics of Psychiatric Practice and Research
30. Forensic Psychiatry
31. Geriatric Psychiatry
32. History of Psychiatry
33. Hospital Psychiatry
34. Human Rights Issue
35. Internet & new Communication Modes
36. Methodology
37. Mental Health Economics
38. Migraine
39. Mind & Society
40. Miscellaneous
41. Mood Disorders
42. Neuroimmunology
43. Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
44. Organic Mental Disorders
45. Panic Disorders
46. Posttraumatic Stress Disorders
47. Premenstrual Syndrome
48. Prevention of Psychiatric Illness
49. Psychiatric Education
50. Psychiatric Rehabilitation
51. Psychogeriatrics
52. Psychoneuroendocrinology
53. Schizophrenia
54. Sexual Disorders
55. Sides Effects of Antidepressants & Antipsychotics Alternative
56. Sleep Disorders
57. Somatic Disorders
58. Somatoform Disorders
59. Stress
60. Suicide
61. Traditional & Treatment in Psychiatry
62. Psychoneuroimmunology
63. Other Psychiatric Disorders

Cut Off Dates for Submissions

Guidelines for abstract submission

Abstract Submission for PANCON 2022 Guidelines:

  • Only registered delegates are allowed to submit the abstract for paper or poster.
  • The abstract for the paper / poster needs to be structured (background, aims, methods, results and conclusion) and within 250 words.
  • The presenting author (or the author who submits the abstract in case of symposia/workshop) will be the contact person for all the correspondence about the presentation.
  • All abstracts are to be submitted in English, Times New Roman font.
  • Please choose appropriate category related to your presentation. Do not submit the same abstract to multiple categories.
  • All abstracts must be submitted via the conference website ONLY.
  • The title should be short and concise & must not be written in capital letters.
  • The abstract should not contain broad statements like “The results will be discussed”.
  • You may use standard abbreviations, however, mention unusual abbreviations in brackets after the full word, when it appears for the time.
  • Use numerals to indicate numbers, except at the beginning of a sentence.
  • Last date for submission of Abstracts is the Sep 30, 2022.
  • All submissions will be acknowledged by email only. So, please provide your current working email ID along with Mobile number (The Organizing Committee shall not be responsible if you do not receive any response due to wrong email ids provided).

Instructions for Content of Abstract

  • Figures, tables and graphs should not be included.
  • Use generic names of drugs only.
  • In original research the results have to be submitted with the abstract.
  • No references are needed with abstract submission.
  • By submission of an abstract, the author transfers copyright ownership to the organizing committee for publications. The Organizing committee reserves the right to reproduce the abstract / presentation made in conference in print or electronic media.
  • Abstracts / papers previously published or presented at any national or international meeting are not permitted.
  • Abstracts / papers previously published or presented at local or state levels are permitted, but the details need to be mentioned in the submission.
  • The Scientific Committee will review the abstracts & the acceptance will be communicated to the presenting author by 30 October 2022.
  • The Scientific Committee reserves the right to allocate a session time or change the presentation type.
  • Please do not submit the same abstract under more than 1 category.
  • Please mention the prize category of presentation for which the author is competing for.

Instructions and Specifications

Scientific programme spanning through 03 days include course on leadership in psychiatry, symposia, workshops, hands-on training on recent advances in ECT, training in neuro navigation techniques, oral and poster presentations and presentations from various specialities, sub-specialities and task forces of IPS. Details of the programme would be uploaded and updated on the website

General Instructions

  1. Registration is mandatory for the presenting authors at the time of presentation in categories of Invited Lectures / Specialty Section Presentations/ Task Force Presentations / Workshop & Symposium Presentations / Free paper / E-Poster Presentations.
  2. All presentations should be made in MS office latest version.
  3. A preview room shall be operational in the conference area. All presentations of respective halls shall be centrally coordinated from this preview room. The Presenter must submit his / her PowerPoint / audio / video in preview room, at least 24 hours before his / her scheduled presentation.
  4. The preview room shall be equipped with sufficient number of desktops / laptops / projectors. The presenter can preview/modify his / her presentation in the preview room well in advance.
  5. If any presenter wishes to present the paper through personal laptop, it is mandatory that the compatibility of personal laptop with our audiovisual system should be checked in preview room.
  6. Any Fonts and Animations if used which are not a part of the standard MS offi ce pack should be included with the Presentation Pen drive and this should be specified to the Audio Visual in charge at the Preview Room well in advance.
  7. Videos when included should be ideally in VLC / MP4 or mpeg and if any other format is used its codecs should be also be included.
  8. If any other format is used which deviates from the above-mentioned format, the same should be informed at least one week before the conference so that alternative arrangements can be made if possible.
  9. The medium of storage used by the presenters should be Flash Drive, USB HDD.
  10. All speakers using MAC Laptops and those requiring a MAC Laptop should inform us at least a week in advance.
  11. The specific date and time of the presentation along with the location will be shared with you shortly and will also be updated on the website. All are kindly requested to visit the website for details of the Scientific Programme on regular basis for latest updates.

Award Paper Presentation Specifications

  • Name
  • Sex: Male/female
  • Place of work
  • Summary of the paper
  • Age (with age proof)
  • Designation
  • Title of the paper
  • Individual/group work
  • Presented earlier / not presented
  • Original research/ other type of work; case reports and small series will not be considered.
  • The Participants should be a member of PAN (to be verified by the Joint-Treasurer of PAN)

Format of the competition

  • The time allotted is 7 minutes.
  • Text, photo and table slides by power point presentation only.
  • The name of the institution / affiliations, co-authors and guides are strictly not to be displayed during the presentation. If included, the paper will be disqualified. May be announced after the results.
  • Each slide should not contain more than eight lines enabling the audience to read it.
  • The presentation should be clear and audible.
  • Any questions / clarifications are allowed only from the judges after the presentation

Guidelines for Workshop / Symposia / Free paper Presentation

  1. Workshops and Symposia would be of 60 Minutes (Sixty minutes) duration which also includes the time for discussion.
  2. For Free paper Presentation speaker will be provided 10 minutes for the presentation. The slot for the same is divided into 8 minutes for Presentation and 2 minutes for Discussion.
  3. Please strictly adhere to the time.
  4. There shall be a system of auto cut of presentations after allocated time. A reminder will appear on the screen 2 minutes before the stipulated time. At the onset of auto-cut all the screens will go blank. Please come prepared to finish the presentation within allocated time only.
  5. The presentation will have to be in Windows Power Point format (PPT) with the required photographs, tables and graphs that should be very unambiguous and legible.

E-Poster Presentation Specifications

  1. The screen time provided to a particular poster would be a maximum of 1 hour. The presenting author is requested to make it convenient to remain at the site of his / her poster presentation throughout that stipulated time.
  2. The E-poster will be displayed on standard 42” (Diagonal) LCD.
  3. File format should be PowerPoint (.PPT).
  4. Total size of the presentation should not exceed 10- 20 MB.
  5. Maximum number of slides per E-poster: 3 (Three).
  6. All slides should be in landscape format preferably in 16:9 orientation.
  7. Animation / movies / sounds will not be supported; please submit in a static PPT format only.
  8. The E-poster needs to be created as per the example format which can be downloaded from the website.
  9. Each slide title should be placed in a title placeholder.
  10. The text should include (most likely as separate elements of the poster) Introduction, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion and Acknowledgments.
  11. The poster should be self-explanatory. Text should be brief and well organized.
  12. It is suggested that font size of the text should be at least 26 to 36 points. The typeface chosen should be a simple and clear one (e.g. Helvetica).
  13. The correct font size depends greatly on the fonts used in the ppt and the thumb rule should be that if its visible well on the computer screen it shall be visible on the E-Poster Display Screen.
  14. Color suggestions: a. When using light backgrounds (white, yellow, light blue) we suggest using dark fonts (black, navy blue, dark green). b. When using dark backgrounds (blue, purple) we suggest using light fonts (white, yellow, cyan). c. Avoid using red or green in any fonts or backgrounds as they are colors that are difficult to read.
  15. Illustrations / images / photographs used in the E-poster should be enlarged enough to show relevant details

Hotel Seven Star, Sauraha

Contact +977-56580207, Mobile no. 9851161915, 985118685

Google map location of the venue:

  1. Best Poster presentation award
  2. Best Oral presentation award
  3. Best Researcher Award
  4. Best outgoing resident (psychiatry) award

Guidelines for Best Researcher Award

Shankar Man Buddha Laxmi award for the Best researcher of the year will be provided to the researcher who is a PAN member and has published a maximum number of original research articles as the first author in indexed journals.

Format of application for best researcher award:

Please send your application with the following information in a word or pdf file.

Applicant’s name
Applicant’s affiliation
Number of original research articles in an indexed journal published since Oct 30, 2021 (As the first author).
Article details:

Article citation with DOI

Are you a PAN member?
Full-text article You can send the full text of the article(s) only when asked.
Please send your application to with a mention of the best researcher award in the subject.

Guidelines for presentations (Award category)

General Instructions

  1. Registration is mandatory for the presenting authors at the time of presentation in categories of Invited Lectures / Specialty Section Presentations/ Task Force Presentations / Workshop & Symposium Presentations / Free paper / E-Poster Presentations.
  2. All presentations should be made in MS office latest version.
  3. A preview room shall be operational in the conference area. All presentations of respective halls shall be centrally coordinated from this preview room. The Presenter must submit his / her PowerPoint / audio / video in preview room, at least 24 hours before his / her scheduled presentation.
  4. The preview room shall be equipped with sufficient number of desktops / laptops / projectors. The presenter can preview/modify his / her presentation in the preview room well in advance.
  5. If any presenter wishes to present the paper through personal laptop, it is mandatory that the compatibility of personal laptop with our audiovisual system should be checked in preview room.
  6. Any Fonts and Animations if used which are not a part of the standard MS office pack should be included with the Presentation Pen drive and this should be specified to the Audio Visual in charge at the Preview Room well in advance.
  7. Videos when included should be ideally in VLC / MP4 or mpeg and if any other format is used its codecs should be also be included.
  8. If any other format is used which deviates from the above-mentioned format, the same should be informed at least few days before the conference so that alternative arrangements can be made if possible.
  9. The medium of storage used by the presenters should be Flash Drive, USB HDD.
  10. All speakers using MAC Laptops and those requiring a MAC Laptop should inform us at least few days in advance.
  11. The specific date and time of the presentation along with the location will be shared with you shortly and will also be updated on the website. All are kindly requested to visit the website for details of the Scientific Program on regular basis for latest updates.

Oral Presentation (award category) specifications

  • The time allotted is 9 minutes.
  • Text, photo and table slides by power point presentation only.
  • The name of the institution / affiliations, co-authors and guides are strictly not to be displayed during the presentation. If included, the paper will be disqualified. These may be announced after the results.
  • The presentation should be clear and audible.
  • Any questions / clarifications are allowed only from the judges after the presentation

E-Poster Presentation Specifications

The screen time provided to a particular poster would be a minimum of 1 hour. The presenting author is requested to make it convenient to remain at the site of his / her poster presentation throughout that stipulated time.

  1. The E-poster will be displayed on standard 43” (Diagonal) LCD (width 36.5″ by height 22″).
  2. File format should be PowerPoint (.PPT).
  3. Total size of the presentation should not exceed 10- 20 MB.
  4. Maximum number of slides per E-poster: 3 (Three).
  5. All slides should be in landscape format preferably in 16:9 orientation.
  6. Animation / movies / sounds will not be supported; please submit in a static PPT format only.
  7. The E-poster needs to be created as per the example format which can be downloaded from the website.
  8. Each slide title should be placed in a title placeholder.
  9. The text should include (most likely as separate elements of the poster) Introduction, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion and Acknowledgments.
  10. The poster should be self-explanatory. Text should be brief and well organized.
  11. It is suggested that font size of the text should be at least 26 to 36 points. The typeface chosen should be a simple and clear one (e.g. Helvetica).
  12. The correct font size depends greatly on the fonts used in the ppt and the thumb rule should be that if its visible well on the computer screen it shall be visible on the E-Poster Display Screen.
  13. Color suggestions: a. When using light backgrounds (white, yellow, light blue) we suggest using dark fonts (black, navy blue, dark green). b. When using dark backgrounds (blue, purple) we suggest using light fonts (white, yellow, cyan). c. Avoid using red or green in any fonts or backgrounds as they are colors that are difficult to read.
  14. Illustrations / images / photographs used in the E-poster should be enlarged enough to show relevant details
  15. The name of the institution / affiliations, co-authors and guides are strictly not to be displayed during the presentation. If included, the paper will be disqualified. These may be announced after the results.